Monday, May 16, 2005

taken hostage

So when I said earlier that I left my ass on the dance floor, what I really meant was my cell phone. After a long night of drunken revelry, the next morning I woke up sober and phoneless and had to go through the punishing agony of retracing my steps. With no one picking up my phone after 2 days, I was going to accept that it had somehow evaporated. Though my phone wasn't a particularly nice one, in fact it was a really old piece of shit, the company I was renting it from was going to charge me $400 to replace it. So out of desperation, I texted my cell phone offering a 'finder's fee' to the person who had it. Well if that didn't bring the little rodent out of its lair. Twenty plus text messages later, I ended up paying $100 to get my crappy phone back. Apparently this is a very common practice here where stolen phones are either blackmailed or sold to China and the Phillipines in cargo containers. What's happening to this world? My phone's on it's way to me by express post and should arrive today but I also have a backup plan that I will just say involves the police and a couple of 'cousins' in dark suits. I know his identity, his ID number, and have even spoken to his friends. This is just to make sure that this sort of thing doesn't happen again to another unsuspecting dance fiend. Will update further should anything come of this.

PS: It's quite remarkable how many people were about to call the police after not being able to get in touch with me for 2 days. Though I'm touched by the concern I'm wondering, is this a product of people thinking I'm that fragile or has this cell phone society made people too accessible and too connected? At least I know that should I really be kidnapped, a team of rescuers will be out on the hunt immediately to insure my safe return.

1 comment:

babibi said...

Don't I know it! I'm doing this for all the straight sisters, men and gay men alike. This one's for the team.