For those of you wondering about my spotty postings of late, it's because my flux capacitor is on the fritz and needs to be taken into the shop. Actually I've been busy as it's the end of the quarter but hope to be back to writing soon.
haha. finding your blog was totally random. i was going through my church's xanga blogring, clicked on a random xanga, then clicked on a link to your blog without knowing it belonged to you. i could have never known you were this funny. best of luck to you and your golf game. and i apologize if i caused you any panic.
Funny? I was being totally serious. The only power source capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning! (Unless you have access to plutonium.)
Soulmate? I sold my soul to become a great blues guitarist. (I got ripped off. I don't like to talk about it.)
MFEO? Based on what I've read here, I don't see how I could disagree. =P
1.21 gigawatts?! Great Scott!
hi. my name is stephen kang. i don't know if the name sounds familiar but i was in the k50 course you taught two summers ago. your blog's fun to read
haha. finding your blog was totally random. i was going through my church's xanga blogring, clicked on a random xanga, then clicked on a link to your blog without knowing it belonged to you. i could have never known you were this funny. best of luck to you and your golf game. and i apologize if i caused you any panic.
btw. montag, my friend thinks you're really funny. she says she's your soulmate...
"i could have never known you were this funny." lord, who of us could have.
ok minsuh.
let's rewind the convo we had earlier. YOU said that montag was my soulmate.
so what if i agreed.
we are M.F.E.O.
do you agree?
-the pink spinster
Funny? I was being totally serious. The only power source capable of generating 1.21 gigawatts of electricity is a bolt of lightning! (Unless you have access to plutonium.)
Soulmate? I sold my soul to become a great blues guitarist. (I got ripped off. I don't like to talk about it.)
MFEO? Based on what I've read here, I don't see how I could disagree. =P
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