For many cultures the pomegranate is a symbol of fertility and is believed to have been the fruit that hung from the biblical 'tree of life'. Beckoning Adam and Eve with its bejeweled seeds to commit the original sin. It has also symbolized immortality and resurrection. When split open it looks like a gaping vagina. Still, we cannot deny the evocative power of a gaping vagina. I suppose that's really how the sinning first got going. But these Zakura Balls promise me so much more than a life of exile outside the Garden of Eden. They promise to cure me of mood changes, depression and yes, can it be at last, yes... vaginal dryness! In no time at all I had my head back tossing in a handful of these surprisingly delicious pink balls of goodness throwing all caution to the wind. Now here I sit, with the remaining balls in hand, wondering how the ancients came to figure all this out, how they knew then what modern science only just realized now that pomegranates actually contain 'phytoestrogens' that promote women's health, and how the Japanese are so very clever in repackaging it all into something even a skeptic like me would be willing to put in my mouth. Unfortunately, in the absence of a warning label against becoming a Zakura Ball junkie, I have already exceeded double the recommended dosage. Will report back if any significant changes occur. Ah, the things I do, all in the name of science.
Ah yes, but have you tried Corbicula Extract Balls to "protect the valuable liver"?
Never seen those before. They look cute though
"and how the Japanese are so very clever in repackaging it all into something even a skeptic like me would be willing to put in my mouth."
hmm. i don't know, min suh, i just came to your blog for the first time and, having read through *all* your posts to find out how you're doing (because i'm a bad friend and haven't e-mailed you in forever), i have to say that you seem incredibly willing to put odd things in your mouth.
suffering succotash!
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