Sunday, July 10, 2005

last night i dreamt of san pedro

An hour south of LA is a little industrial port town where the only thing to do other than watch cargo ships come in is to go to the boardwalk where they serve seafood heaped atop plastic trays. One lobster, one giant fish and some shrimp later my synapses were reset to fire to the beat of the itinerant mariachi band. My brain is still rattling around up there like a dried walnut in its shell. So I will keep this brief and simply note that in the excitement of imagining myself in the markets of Tijuana I somehow allowed my brand new Leica Digilux 2 to be baptized in beach sand.

Tropical island breeze. That is where I want to be.


Anonymous said...

doesn't that leica cost a bundle? take some more pictures of la korea people. esp young women please thank you.

Anonymous said...

last comment was from me dan choi

babibi said...

dan, you're not the first to ask me about this. since i do feel that i'm here to serve, i will go out and harass some l.a. korean girls on your behalf, post haste. keep posted.

Anonymous said...

i was interested in this digilux leica you got. i found a link that might make you feel bad, but it might on the other hand make you feel good:

this link

i myself think that the letters L-E-I-C-A are worth $300.

Anonymous said...

dan choi again

Anonymous said...

oops, i meant this link. i've cluttered your page. very sorry. -dc

babibi said...

yeah, i've been on that site. in fact, i've been reading about the digilux since the first one came out and only decided to take the plunge with the digilux 2. i'ver read nearly everything out there, judged the pro's and con's and decided that ultimately it is a judgment call based on 1) performance and 2)aesthetics. The aesthetics of it don't necessarily mean the Leica appearance, though it's nice, but I mean the aesthetics of a finely crafted German utilitarian machine. They put simplicity first. It is so well designed that it is just a pleasure to use. And then of course, there is ... the lens. I love this camera. It takes great pictures, but can be unforgiving if you don't know what you're doing. It's not as good in automatic function as other DSLRs but who wants to be an automaton?!

Anonymous said...

dan choi here -- did u see the 2nd link i posted? it says that your camera is virtually identical to a panasonic model that's 300 benjamins cheaper. i mean virtually identical, senorita!

babibi said...

persistant you are little grasshoppa. yes, yes, i know, the panasonic one is supposedly exactly the same as the leica but $300 less. but it's all black and well, just not a leica. i don't know, it just doesn't convince me to want to buy it. i mean, panasonic doesn't make anything really well if you think about it. it gives me a certain degree of trepidation about the whole thing even if it is just a matter of labeling. maybe i am just a label junkie when it boils down to it all.

babibi said...

besides, the leica comes in a very lovely tightly packed silver box that just screams german minimalism. even their instruction manuals are all minimal and shit. with little leica labels all over everything. aw yeah.

Anonymous said...

ok. don't get defensive, though, because i behave in exactly the same irrational way you do. I trust anything that says Apple Computer on it. I don't know why, but that is how I feel, and a man's feelings are very important to him

babibi said...

don't worry dan, i'm not feeling defensive. but definitely makes me wonder what is the power of the label. i think that many labels are powerful for a reason, because they often mean things are better made, but only become irrational when you're buying things like $200 t-shirts just for the logo (or paying $300 more for a camera than you should?). we also forget that there is a distinct emotional factor in buying things in this consumer society of ours. can't deny it. it's somehow become an expression of our identity through our choices in what we buy and what world we imagine creating for ourselves. but did i mention the darling red leica insignia that lights up on the lcd when you turn off the camera? that's really why i got it. so cute.