While fans around the world have already seen the final installment of the Star Wars saga, I'm sadly biding my time until it arrives in Seoul on May 26th. I hope it will live up to my two most memorable experiences. The first was watching it in the theater at the age of five as my feet dangled over the floor, staying up later than normal to see an unimaginable world unfurl before me. The second was in L.A. before opening night of Episode One. We skipped classes to wait for tickets, eating pez out of free Yoda dispensers and watching the hilarious antics of freaks in full costume armed with light sabres. Many battles were lost and won on that sidewalk by the rebel forces before the show even opened. Understandably, my expectations are pretty low. The one comfort is that I hear in Japan it doesn't arrive til July. Mwuhahaha. The empire is crumbling.
That's pretty low. You know much I want to see it, and yet you stick it and twist. By the way, do you remember who got you that Yoda pez dispenser? If it wasn't for me, you be stuck sucking on C3P0's face.
for crying out loud, both of you stop whining and find a WAY to watch the film immediately.
Most inane George Lucas quote so far: "This may upset many fans, but Darth Vader is going to have no role in the new Star Wars TV show. I believe it is best to keep Vader’s adventures after Revenge of the Sith a secret for now." Uh, George, I think there are a few movies dealing with what Darth does after Revenge of the Sith.
wow, how do you think that guy in peru got hold of his darth vader costume? isn't lima on the edge of the world? and i can't believe even they get to see it before korea and japan!
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