Sunday, May 01, 2005

i bus therefore i am

Last night I found myself uncomfortably stuffed into the back seat of a silvery convertible Porsche 911 on a treelined road that hugs the mountainside circling Seoul with my cousin and her fiance. This car was built to seat two people and a small dog. And I can't say that I enjoyed the attention that such a car attracts in Seoul where luxury means the Hyundai "Executive" or at best BMWs. Call me ghetto but my preferred mode of transportation is easily the bus. It is one of the most sophisticated bus systems in, I dare say, the world. All payment is automatic by credit card, cell phones or T-money, including automatic transfers, and best of all are the express lanes. Finely crafted german cars can eat my exhaust.

1 comment:

babibi said...

But you make it sound like it was a bad ride. That's my number one criteria for dating. Can they cook rice to particular specifications and does their armpit smell nice.